Spotlight On: Land Owners of the Choptank Watershed

Have you had a chance to reach out to either of our Landowner Assistance Coordinators yet? If not, don’t take our word for how useful they can be. Check out what Ron and Stacey Anderson of Oxford had to say about their installed pollinator garden and rain barrel:


We heard about Envision the Choptank from my sister-in-law who had had a rain garden installed through Envision the Choptank and was very excited about it. She put us in contact Nicole Barth who took a look at our property and decided we would benefit from a pollinator garden and while she was at it she brought us an excellent 45 gal rain barrel to help water the garden when it was installed. My wife Stacey was mostly excited about the pollinator garden for the butterflies, I was mostly excited about the rain barrel to save water and both were free of charge. Mark Kessinger professionally installed the garden last fall but it took until this summer to really appreciate the full assortment of native flowering plants.  Now the pollinator garden looks great and the rain barrel works great! 

Whitley Grey followed up last year’s work this spring with some replacement plants for those that didn’t survive the winter and did some extensive soil sampling for us. We now have a filled in pollinator garden and know what type of fertilizer and how much to use this September when we over seed our lawn grass.

Through the services of Envision the Choptank we now have an attractive and diverse pollinator garden that attracts all manner of bees, birds, and butterflies without having had to pay for it.  The warmth and professionalism exhibited by the Envision the Choptank associates was very refreshing and I would recommend them to anyone wishing to make sensible BMP improvements to their landscapes.

Don’t be shy, reach out to one of our Landowner Assistance Coordinators and coordinate a property visit with a local expert!